Frequently Asked Questions

Selecting the right sized system for you home is really important to get right, as it directly impacts how comfortable you’ll be and how efficiently your system will run. A lot of factors impact what size system you need.

The bigger the space, the bigger air conditioner needed.

A well-insulated home better maintains temperature, which means you likely won’t need as much heating or cooling.

If you live in a particularly challenging environment, like tropical or sub-tropical areas, more demands are put on your system than in less harsh climates. If you feel like you’ve factored in the above, there are a number of options you can use to calculate the size system you need:

  • Use a formula
  • Use an online calculator
  • Get a professional to visit your home and calculate the right size for specifically for you

Using a formula
This can be a quick and easy method, but it also tends to be fairly broad/non-specific, so can be good in terms of getting a general idea of the size you need but for anything more specific than that it can leave a lot to be desired. To use this method:

  • Confirm the length & width of the room you’re looking to condition, then multiply them with each other – this will give you the area’s m² size
  • The next step depends on your ceiling height
      • If it’s 2.4m high: multiply the m² by 150 watts
      • If it’s 2.7m high: multiply the m² by 160 watts
      • If it’s 3m high: multiply the m² by 175 watts
  • This gives you the amount of watts needed, which you can then divide by 1,000 to convert to a kilowatt figure

For example: A house has an area that is 10m wide x 10m long, with 2.4m ceilings.

  1. 10m wide x 10m long = 100m²
  2. Based on 2.4m ceiling height: 100m² x 150 watts = 15,000 watts
  3. 15,000 watts / 1,000 = 15 kilowatt

A 15kW unit is roughly the right size for this room.

Use an online calculator
Online calculators may give you a more accurate estimate than the basic formula, but you typically will have to provide more information on a range of factors – the more information you can supply, the better the calculation. There are a number of calculators online that you can find with a quick Google search.

When looking into air conditioning, it’s common to come across references to single or three phase power.

This simply refers to the method of power supply used in your home, with single phase air conditioners being suited to single phase power supply, and three phase air conditioners being suited to three phase power supply. As a general rule of thumb, three phase power supply is used on larger capacity systems, but the specifics vary from brand to brand. ActronAir’s comprehensive range of ducted air conditioners includes a wide array of choices for both single and three phase systems to suit houses of all shapes and sizes.

It’s really important to make sure you select an air conditioner that is compatible with your home power supply – rest easy, your ActronAir installer can assist you in making the correct choice as part of their cost and obligation-free consultation with you.

When it comes to getting an air conditioner installed in your home, the typical costs can roughly be broken down into 3 areas:

  • Air conditioning system
  • Parts & accessories like ducting and ceiling vents
  • Labour

As you can imagine there is a lot of variance in the final cost of a fully installed system, based on the unique needs of the specific job:

  • What features did you want? Adding on desirable features like advance controls or premium zoning can add to your costs.
  • How big of a system did you need? As a general rule of thumb, the bigger a system is the more expensive it will be.
  • What type of system did you buy? Prices vary dramatically based on the type of system you buy, with Wall Hung Split systems being significantly cheaper than Ducted systems. And even within the Ducted category, the prices can vary between a more basic system versus a more premium system.
  • What quality parts and accessories did you use? Premium accessories, like linear grilles and better insulated ducting, can bring premium aesthetics and performance, but are also more expensive.

A key consideration in selecting an air conditioner is how energy efficient it is.

Pick the system that suits you best
To make sure your system is energy efficient, it’s vital to ensure the system is selected and installed (often referred to as “designed”) for you properly:

  • How well can it zone? For true energy efficiency and comfort, it all comes down to how well your system can zone. And thanks to our unique Tru-Zoning, no-one zones better than us.
  • How well can I control it? Advanced controls bring advanced functions, like the ability to operate your system remotely , or to set schedules for more efficient performance. Our wide range of award winning controls gives you more choice of control options than any other brand, all backed by a single warranty for total peace of mind.
  • Is it the right size for my home? If your system is too small for the space you’re conditioning, it will end up working extra hard as it struggles to keep you comfortable, which is not energy efficient at all – that’s why it’s vitally important that you select the right sized system for your home and your lifestyle.
  • Has it been installed correctly? If your system has been poorly installed, or used low quality components like badly insulated ductwork, it can have an extremely negative impact on the energy efficient performance of your air conditioner. That’s why it’s important you work with high quality installers – and when you work with an ActronAir Dealer Network, you can rest easy knowing you’re working with the best of the best.

Rating Systems
Additionally, energy performance information can also be found in a number of rating systems. These rating systems often leave a lot to be desired, because they’re not necessarily reflective of how you actually use an air conditioner, or the conditions an air conditioner operates in, and assumes that the design of the system is appropriate for you home.

As such, whilst these rating systems are a quick source of information, to achieve energy efficient performance it’s far more important to get the overall Design correct.

These energy ratings system include the following:

Non-ducted systems: Energy Label
Found on non-ducted products like Wall Hung Split systems, the Energy Label gives a quick reference to the expected energy efficiency performance of your system in each of the climate regions found in Australia. Put simply, the higher the star rating, the better the expected energy efficiency of your system. Our Serene system includes one of Australia’s only 7 star rated system – learn more here.

Ducted systems: Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and Coefficient of Performance (COP)
Often easily found in the technical data of a system’s brochure, these figures represent the ratio of cooling (EER) or heating (COP) a ducted system provides relative to the amount of electrical input it needs to consume, and are a measure you can use in understanding a system’s expected energy efficiency. And as with the Energy Label on the non-ducted products, the higher the EER/COP number, the better it’s energy efficiency is expected to be.

However, the method used to determine these figures is less than ideal. It’s a bit technical and boring, but it’s really important to know. In a nutshell, these figures don’t accurately capture the actual energy efficiency of a system.

You see, air conditioners deliver more energy efficient performance by matching the amount of conditioning they provide more accurately to your actual needs, rather than generating more air than you require. That’s why they focus so heavily on technical elements like zoning, advanced variable compressors, and energy efficient fans – these all work together to allow the system to vary based on your needs. The performance of these systems are also heavily impacted by how well they maintain their capacity, (the amount of heating or cooling they can provide), in the different temperatures they operate at.

And where these rating systems fall over is that they don’t adequately measure the performance of all of these elements together, at a wide enough range of conditions. They also assume that you have a system appropriate designed for your home and your lifestyle, which is not necessarily the case.

For true energy efficiency, it’s far more important to select a system that suits your lifestyle, and is sized correctly. Working from that foundation, it’s then important to select the right features like zoning, controls, and energy efficient compressor technology.

These videos help you to quickly understand what to do when you receive a common error code on your ActronAir controller or system. Browse below for your control system and model. Please refer to the following link for further information.

All Actron systems sold have a 5 years manufacturers warranty. For more details refer to Actron warranty guidelines and warranty terms & Conditions. Please register your warranty on Actron website:


How to Maintain Your Warranty

Keep a copy of your invoice
Ensure your air conditioning installer is qualified and holds a current refrigeration handling license.
Ensure operation is as per manufacturer’s instructions.
Ensure the air inlet and outlet of the outdoor unit is kept clear of obstructions.
Replace exhausted batteries in remote control.
If your system fails, contact the manufacturer without delay.

In case of any warranty issues we can help guide you through the manufacturer warranty process. First point of contact is to contact the manufacturer. The manufacturer details will be on the warranty form which came with the system purchased. When placing a warranty claim you will need to provide proof of purchase (your tax invoice). In addition further information is also available on Actron website.

We accept payment via direct debit, Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay & Google Pay. Cheques are welcome however it take 10-14 days processing time depending on the bank and the clearance date.

The Order Confirmation email issued by Comfort Cool against your order is a valid Australian Tax Invoice. If you have lost your invoice we will be happy to email you a new one. Simply email our us with your request.

We can deliver Actron units across Australia however cost of delivery will depend on the location. Please email us if you have any issues. Please utilise our post calculator on the website to get delivery cost. In case the delivery cost appears $0 then you need to contact our team to get exact delivery cost. It simply means there may be other factors which may affect on the delivery cost and we can calculate the delivery cost for you.

Someone must be available to accept delivery as we require a signature as proof of receiving goods. Furthermore, our carriers provide a door-to-door service, which does not include carrying the items inside. Where there is nobody to receive the goods a re-delivery fee will be charged.

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